More About Myself!

About Me Personally

Who Am I?

I'm a a funny lil lady who talks about art, animation, video games, and the humanities on the internet. A bit more specifically - I'm a black, bisexual, neurodivergent ciswoman, and a proud furry, cartoonist, and socialist. Words for sure - but a good enough starting point for who I am, and if you care to read a bit more about me, a good framing device too.

I'm an African American Woman, born 2004 in NYC, to my mom who's a few generations out of Barbados, and my dad who's family is from the South, but unfortunately I'm not super in touch with either of those roots. I moved to Maryland suburbs for pretty much all of my teens, and then recently back to New York State, but far upstate near Canada. Due to the suburban life not bein' all that for me, I've been yearning a bit to return to NYC, and a part of that is wishing to return to some of the Caribbean and Hispanic culture I was around back during my early years.

I was a very artsy and eccentric child growing up, so though I never had huge friend groups, the friends I did have I cherished greatly and still do to this day. But when I couldn't be around them, I would find solace in internet communities of artists. I've always been a hardcore lurker about it, but that exposure helped me a lot with understanding and embracing a lot about myself.

These primarily queer artist communities made me an incredibly LGBT-positive child, to the point where I actually identified as a lesbian before I realized I was Bisexual - and a proud one at that! Not only did that label come with a cool flag that had all my favorite colors on it, my experiences with attraction and womanhood gave me some fun perspectives on gender, sexuality, and beauty. To the point where even though I'm cisgender, I do fuck with a bit of gender queerness in my own personal ways, so I'd say I'm just a Queer Woman in a very broad spiritual sense.

It wasn't until fairly recently for me to realize that a large part of what drew me to the internet was Neurodivergence more specifically - (self-diagnosed) Inattentive ADHD. It took a lot of struggling with related anxiety, depression, and some other suspected comorbidities for me to come to that conclusion, but the identification is one of pride for me, as I feel like it is one of the biggest reasons for my enduringly passionate and creative spirit.

The intersection of all these identities and experiences has, predictably, led me politically left, where I consider myself to be a Socialist in very broad terms. To be brief and because I am not the most politically literate person: I think society as a concept and the reality we live in should exist for the purposes of sharing resources and knowledge, with the well-being of all peoples, of living things, and of the environment we live upon being the highest priority. Capitalism is very bad at doing this because despite what it preaches, it cannot exist without an abused under-class to support the lives of the upper-class. It's cringe and we can and should do better. People deserve nice things methinks.

All of these beliefs and perspectives I channel primarily into my casual art career as a Cartoonist. A lot of the people in my life don't really get what separates someone like me from other visual art disciplines like graphic design, illustrations, or forms of painting, so I've taken a lot of pride in distinguishing myself, especially with how important the discipline is to me. My love of cartoons, real life animals, and our history with animals as humans has also made me a proud Furry, in internet terms and my personal definition. I find furry artwork and the people who make it to be an incredible artistically - and at times, ideologically - strong culture that I am happy to associate with (most of the time).

Of course at the end of all of the labels I am simply an infinitely complex person, but each of those aspects of my identity means a lot to me in some way or another, and I hope that whether or not you identify with any of them, you just see me as a fun internet person who wants to share some cool stuff with folks.

What Do I Do Outside The Computer?

Nothing obviously, why would I ever want to leave? JK, right now I'm attending my first year of community college! I'm very very excited to learn about all my nerd interests in an academic setting and express myself in public again (fuck work dress codes).

I took two gap years out of High School due to losing a year and a half of it to a global pandemic you may have heard of. It wasn't the worst to me by any means, but it did make me re-evaluate a lot of things about myself, my academic and career goals, and my health, so I took it off. During those gap years though, I did realize that I kinda love academics, so I've stayed steady towards college the whole time. In the end I feel that decision did help me self-actualize a lot, but I'm ready to re-enter the torture nexus of school.

What Are My Future Aspirations?

Technically I'm just planning on studying the general humanities for now in order to dip my toes in a couple of subjects I care a lot about, but I see the clearest future studying Psychology and possibly entering the field of academic research. Or if I'm feeling really spicy, studying medicine and becoming a Psychiatrist!

It may seem curious that I'm not trying to major in art, animation, or something gay like that, but the reality is that I hold art too dear to myself to try and make it my profession. I grew up following a lot of small artists who started their passions on the internet and took them to school, and then to work, and the lives I've seen for them aren't what I want for myself. I'd rather keep art my side passion that moves only at my own pace.

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