Final Fantasy

I've been into the Final Fantasy series since early 2021, but technically I started in December of 2020 when I decided to get into FFVII with some friends. At first I thought I'd stay only in that bubble but now I'm trying to play most of the classic games :)

I've played FFVII, FFIX, and FFX, and I'm some ways through a playthrough of FFIV. I've also played Dissidia which is where my branching out started so I have a gist of most characters and plots. I'm just in love with the science-fantasy worlds of FF and every narrative has really touched me so far. I know the earlier games may not be as dense but I'm always down for the magic of a JRPG adventure.


Documents, Powerpoints, and Essays:

Kuja Evil Angels Powerpoint

Unfortunately no where near as in-depth as it's sequel, this was made for my friends after a year of obsessing over Kuja gave me the idea of being an fallen angel for halloween. Because half my friends were in the middle of the game, and the other half I was trying to pitch the game to, I had to hold back from the entire Kuja analysis I would have loved to do. Most effort went into the lovely Kuja collage in the BG, mirroring the ones I made for Galacta Knight. Still very beloved, and I'm sure my love for this character is present despite the lack of my commentary. And there's a bonus of extra characters touched on at the end.
